Truefarm Organic Flaxseed Powder


Seller : Truefarms

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“Truefarm Flaxseed powder is truly super amongst foods. It has one of the highest concentration of alpha lipoic acid, or ALA, to be found in any seed and, in addition, is high in protein and fiber, a combination that helps maintain energy levels and manage appetite too.
Added to this Truefarm Flaxseed powder is a rich source of several nutrients – calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium – with a variety of roles including helping the normal function of the brain, bone density, energy production, hair, skin and nail quality, the immune system as well as fat metabolism and offering antioxidant properties.
Add flaxseed powder cereals, baking, and breads for a powerful nutritional boost.”

Quantity : 250 g 

Benefits : 30% Protein and High in Omega-3 fats, High in Fiber and Antioxidants, Rich in minerals, Supports immune system

SKU: TF07 Categories: , ,

Additional information

Weight 250 g



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