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Makhanas for Weight Loss

When ‘weight loss’ clicks in our mind, I think, we struggle most to decide what to eat and what not to eat. We always try to find those foods that can add momentum to our weight loss process and at the same time can satisfy our taste buds. Makhanas or fox nuts can become a very good option here in this case. No doubt about its health benefits, it is packed with all the essential nutrients that our body needs. Here, in this blog, we will know in detail about makhanas as a weight loss food. So, keep scrawling down!

What is Makhana?

Mainly makhanas or fox nuts are edible seeds derived from water lily plants. The bionomical name of makhanas is Euryale Ferox. It grows mainly in southern and Eastern Asia and is commonly known as a gorgon nut or fox nut. The seeds became edible when it is in the dried form. Now, almost 90% of the world’s makhanas are cultivated in the Indian state of Bihar. Mithila region of Bihar is famous for makhanas production; even the Government of India has honored Bihar with a GI (Geographical Indication) tag for makhanas. So, don’t forget to check behind the packet when you are buying if it is 100% organic and authentic makhanas or not.

Makhanas give us a good amount of protein, fiber and other nutrients, making it an ideal food for weight loss. But before we bring it to our plate, we should have a glimpse of the nutritional facts of makhanas for once.

Makhanas/ fox Nuts Nutritional values:

As per the studies, one hundred grams of makhanas possess:

Calorie347 kcal
Protein9.7 g
Fats0.1 g
Fiber14.5 g
Carbohydrate76.9 g
Calcium60 mg
Iron1.4 mg

All the nutritional facts prove that it is a healthier alternative to junky snacks. It is packed with vitamins and minerals that may help you in reducing fats and many health cruxes. We have made a comprehensive list to guide you to understand its benefits in an infographic manner.

Makhanas for Weight loss:

Makhanas or fox nuts have been a staple of Indian cuisine for ages. But it has lost its room in the craze of modern refined and ready foods. No wonder the superfood is regaining lots of popularity for its nutritional content. Here we will give you a bunch of reasons why should we switch to makhanas for weight loss.

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Rich in Protein

What makes makhanas good for weight loss is its protein content. You will get a massive 3 grams of protein in per serving (32 g) of makhanas. Protein-rich foods keep us full for a longer duration and don’t instigate us to unhealthy munching, leading to calorie deficit and weight loss. Also, protein is good for repairing and building body muscles.

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Low-calorie Count

Losing weight is nothing but a simple math of calories. In this journey, you have to burn more calories than what you intake. Our body needs a limit of calories, if you intake more you will raise weight. So, we should consume low-calorie foods like makhanas. A cup or 32 g of makhanas gives us only 106 calories. And makhana is one such food that you can make many preparations with makhanas.

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High Fibers

Makhanas/fox nuts are a good source of fiber. A cup or 32 grams of makhanas serves 4.5 grams of fiber. Fiber helps our body in proper digestion and increasing satiation. Fiber-rich foods reduce our untimely munching of unhealthy snacks. A study by the American Society for Nutrition says, consuming 4 g of fiber per day can lead to an additional weight loss of more than 3 pounds or 1.36 kg.

Very Low Fat

You will be amazed to know that 100g of makhanas carry only 0.1g of total fats. You can put makhanas in the fat-free food segments and easily replace them with oily and processed snacks. Hence your weight loss journey will become smoother with a fat-free food like makhanas.

Detoxifies Liver

The liver plays a vital role in weight loss and metabolism, resulting in weight loss. Makhana is a good detoxifier as it reduces triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels in our body. It also helps in reversing fatty liver.

Also Read:- Makhana Benefits for Men

Some Weight Loss Recipes of Makhana

As mentioned earlier, makhanas are a type of dried seeds obtained from a plant called water lily. People usually mistake makhanas with lotus seeds but lotus seeds and water lily are different from each other. It is high in nutrients and has no flavor of its own. For its neutral flavor, we can make healthy and delicious dishes with makhanas for children and adults. Some are mentioned below.

Makhana Chat:

just dry roast some makhanas in a pan, sprinkle salt and chat masala on it and be ready!

Makhana Kheer:

Add plain makhana to boiling milk and mix sweetener and dry fruits. A delicious dessert is ready for everyone.

Makhana Raita:

It is a very simple dish to give a variation to normal raita. Just mix up makhana in a bowl of yogurt and enjoy.

Makhana Side Effects

The side effects of makhanas are very negligible compared to the contributions of makhanas for weight loss. Still, we have to keep some points in mind about the probable negative effects. Have a note…

  • People on medication should consult with doctors
  • Some people may face allergies and gastrointestinal problems
  • Overconsumption may cause constipation and bloating

And remember makhana is not a magical solution for weight loss, a good diet with proper workout will give you the desired result. Makhanas can be just an addition to speed up your whole weight loss program.


Yes, a cup or 32 grams of makhanas serve only 4.5 grams of fiber.

It is safe to consume about 1-2 handfuls (32-64g) of makhanas daily.

A good diet with proper workout is the key of weight loss. Hence, makhanas can be a part of your diet as it is low in calorie and fat and high in protein and fiber.

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