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Explore 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar also known as ACV is quite a common ingredient in many kitchens for its culinary purposes. It is a kind of vinegar made by fermenting the juice of crushed apples. It is naturally acidic and has a sour-like taste.

Apple cider vinegar may have gained its spot in modern times but it is an age-old drink. For a long period, people have been consuming it. Crushed apples- water- and yeast are kept at room temperature for at least 3-4 weeks. Thus yeast turns the sugar of apples into alcohol and bacteria turns the alcohol into vinegar.

People have been using it for centuries as a natural preserver. Maybe its most common usage is as a salad dressing.

Today, many people are using apple cider vinegar for its possible health benefits.

In this article, we will examine 10 apple cider vinegar benefits with some evidence. Also, we will know about the ACV usage in our daily lives.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It mainly contains acetic acid and some portions of nutrients like Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

ACV is made with crushed fermented apples, yeast, and sugar. It is commonly used in cooking, as a salad dressing, or as a natural remedy for various health purposes.

For many years, ACV has also been used as a medicine. Some evidence proves that it might help in lowering blood sugar levels and reduce obesity and diabetes. It also shows good signs against cholesterol spike and kidney stones.

What Are the Types of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made with a procedure known as fermentation. There are few steps in the process. First, apples are crushed and then yeast is added to it to hasten the fermentation process. The sugar in it turns into alcohol in a few weeks. Then, natural bacteria break the alcohol down into acetic acid, which gives ACV its tangy taste and odour.

Two primary types of apple cider vinegar are commonly available: filtered and unfiltered. But there exist some other types of ACV. Here are the details.

Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother

Apple cider vinegar with mother is a kind of unfiltered ACV. Unlike filtered varieties, it naturally retains the mother substance. It is a cloudy substance composed of beneficial enzymes, proteins, and bacteria. This type of ACV is often considered more nutritious.

Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar has a hazy appearance and a harsher, more tangy taste. It is not processed like the filtered one. As the bacteria stays in it, it continues the process of fermentation and keeps changing its colour and taste.

Filtered Apple Cider Vinegar

Whereas, filtered apple cider vinegar is transparent and has a milder flavour. Filtered ACV goes through a process to remove the mother and any sediment, resulting in a clear liquid.

Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar

Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar does not go through a due process of pasteurization. Means it has not been cooked in a high temperature and then rapidly cooled. Pasteurization, however, can aid in extending the product’s freshness. But beneficial bacteria can be destroyed by heating. Because of this, unpasteurized ACV is liked by many.

Also Read:- Best Apple Cider Vinegar Brands in India

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar contains no chemicals. Depending on whether it has been filtered or not, organic apple cider vinegar has different looks.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar is unfiltered, unpasteurized, chemically unprocessed. It is the purest form of apple cider vinegar.

What Are the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Among health-conscious people and fitness enthusiasts, apple cider vinegar is an interesting one! However, many people are unaware of apple cider vinegar’s long history and status of health benefits as a home cure. ACV benefits on a number of issues. Few of them are supported by studies while few are not.

High in acetic acid

The main active ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid. It is responsible for its distinct sour taste and smell. Researchers think that the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are caused by the presence of this acetic acid. Apple cider vinegars contain more or less 5% of acetic acid. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains a component known as ‘mother’, which is made up of friendly bacteria, enzymes, and protein strands and gives this a murky look. Although there is little evidence to support this, some people think that apple cider vinegar with mother is primarily responsible for the health benefits of it. Vitamins and minerals are also present in small amounts in apple cider vinegar.

ACV helps kill harmful bacteria

Historically, vinegar has been used for cleaning and disinfecting purposes. ACV has a natural disinfecting quality. It can kill pathogens, including some strains of bacteria. In older times, vinegar has been used for ear infections, warts, lice, nail fungus, and general cleansing.

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, used vinegar to treat wounds. ACV’s other vital usage is, it is used as a food preservative. According to Research, it prevents food-spoiling bacteria like E. coli from proliferating. Apple cider vinegar may be useful if you are looking for a natural approach to preserve your food.

Aids in lower blood sugar levels and manage diabetes

According to a 2021 clinical study, people with diabetes may benefit from consuming apple cider vinegar. ACV effects on their glycemic index and oxidative stress. Another research discovered that glycemic index may be improved by ACV drinking. To fully discover the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, further in-depth research is still required.

To specifically mention ACV’s usage, it is used in treating type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes mainly occurs when the blood sugar level goes high due to insulin resistance or an incapacity to make insulin. But before consuming apple cider vinegar as a treatment for diabetes, you should consult your doctor. Nonetheless, those without diabetes may also benefit from maintaining normal blood sugar levels because it plays a significant role in the ageing process and some chronic illnesses.

ACV helps in weight loss

However, there are not many studies in support of the fact apple cider vinegar for weight loss. However, according to some studies, apple cider vinegar can make you feel more satisfied. This satiety will help you eat fewer calories and decrease weight. People who took apple cider vinegar with a meal that included solid foods during brief trials reported feeling less hungry for 120 minutes following the meal. They also stopped snacking for three to twenty-four hours after taking the apple cider vinegar. However, there was no connection between apple cider vinegar and hunger suppression. After a daily intake of three doses of apple cider vinegar, it demonstrated significant decreases in weight (6-8 kg), body fat ratio, waist and hip ratio, body mass index (BMI), blood sugar, and lipids and cholesterol in the blood.

May improve heart health

One of the main apple cider vinegar uses is its effects against heart disease. Sometimes heart diseases can be fatal. Numerous biological factors play a role in developing heart disease. Studies indicate that vinegar may help with a few of these. However, a lot of research on the health benefits of apple cider vinegar was done. It is found that apple cider vinegar may help lower levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein. According to a study published in 2021, apple cider vinegar may lower overall cholesterol. But before drawing any firm conclusions, further research needs to be done.

May boost skin health

Apple cider vinegar benefits for the skin is a long-known fact. It has been used for a very long time as a typical treatment for skin ailments like eczema and dry skin. The skin has a slight acidity by nature. However, among those who have eczema, it might be less acidic. For those, applying apple cider vinegar may assist in restoring the pH balance of the skin and eventually strengthening the barrier that protects it. However, this isn’t always supported by researchers. There is another tweak that people with skin disorders like eczema, may potentially experience skin irritation from apple cider vinegar. So, it is always recommended to consult a physician before using any new treatments, especially if you have damaged skin.

ACV good for hair and dandruff

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is hailed for its potential benefits in hair care, particularly in addressing dandruff. Apple cider vinegar is frequently used as a hair rinse to enhance smoothness and gloss. Its acidic nature helps to balance the scalp’s pH which reduces dandruff and itchiness. ACV’s antimicrobial properties, attributed to acetic acid, can combat the fungus associated with dandruff. Because of its acidic qualities, applying apple cider vinegar topically can help with hair condition. You can try our hair oil variants for long flowy hair.

ACV lowers cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been suggested to have various health benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels. The acetic acid in ACV is believed to play a role in this. High cholesterol can impose the risk of stroke and heart attack. Moreover, heart issues are more likely to occur in people with high cholesterol. Some studies suggest that consuming ACV may help reduce total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. The benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar in individuals following a low-calorie diet were examined in a 12-week research. Researchers discovered that individuals taking apple cider vinegar saw reduced triglycerides and total cholesterol in addition to losing more weight than those who are not taking it.

Good for kidney and removing kidney stones

In a study on the connection between ACV and kidney stones, it was found that apple cider vinegar benefits in the formation of stone formation. It prevents the formation of such stones. You will get a decreased risk of kidney stones if you intake regularly. Check out our apple cider vinegar price list!

S. No.ProductPrice
1Aditam Organic Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother449
2Jivika Naturals Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother305
3Conscious Food Apple Cider Vinegar 500ml490
4Praakritik Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with Fenugreek & Cinnamon 250 ml261
5Truefarm Organic Apple Cider Vinegar399

However, more research is required to determine whether apple cider vinegar directly affects kidney stones or not. ACV protects against oxidative kidney damage by increasing antioxidant enzyme levels. It also lowers cholesterol levels.

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ACV benefits for women

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) offers potential benefits for women’s health. It contains probiotics and antioxidants, which are good for women’s health. ACV helps in women’s painful periods by relieving bloating, cramps, and irritability caused by PMS or periods. ACV also helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

The acetic acid in ACV changes the pH level of the scalp, making it harder for yeast to develop, thus giving beautiful hair. ACV is believed to prevent bad body odour by balancing the pH of the skin and killing bacteria that cause odour.

Taking ACV before eating protein-rich meals may help to promote digestion and increase the activity of pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down protein.

Uses of apple cider vinegar in daily life

Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother contains almost 5% acidity. Its nutrient and mineral contents can benefit your health in multiple ways. Including ACV in your meals is safe and advised by experts.

You can use it in numerous ways. As a vinegar, it does not only best go for salad dressings, but also infuses flavour into sauces and stews.

Additionally, you are free to drink it with hot or cold water. Some consume it right before bed. It will be better if you ask your doctor how much apple cider vinegar to consume. A typical dose is 1-2 tbsp or 15-30 mL mixed with water and taken before or after meals.

You can also take it as pills, tablets, or powder. It would be best if you go with a reputable brand because authenticity is equally important.


Apple cider vinegar benefits range from aiding digestion and weight loss to supporting heart health and controlling blood sugar levels. It is not only a low-calorie food but also adds flavour to them. Though studies show some health benefits of apple cider vinegar more extensive research is required to validate these claims. Apple cider vinegar is not meant to take the place of prescribed medical treatments.

With its long history of use and modern scientific backing, apple cider vinegar stands as a natural remedy for promoting overall health. But before using ACV to cure any condition, consult an expert. Apple cider vinegar is acidic, though. If ACV is used undiluted, it can burn skin, irritate the eyes and throat, and destroy teeth.


Apple cider vinegar has a long history of use in mainly cooking. But you will get traces of its use in herbal medicines. Studies assert that apple cider vinegar for weight loss is a very good option. There are many apple cider vinegar benefits including, blood sugar regulation, indigestion relief, cholesterol control, and a lower risk of cancer and heart disease. But before that, knowing how much apple cider vinegar to take daily is essential. The recommended dosage for apple cider vinegar varies, however consuming 1-2 tablespoons (tbsp) or 15-30 millilitres (mL) with water before or after meals may be helpful. Check out our apple cider vinegar price list!

Apple cider vinegar has a long list of health benefits such as diabetes control as well as lower blood sugar and lower cholesterol. Apple cider vinegar for fat loss is also recommended. But it can pose some risks to your health if taken in larger quantities. So, portion control is always important. It can create heartburn, nausea and bloating. To some people, it can pose digestive problems. A larger amount of ACV impacts badly on bones. You may face bone loss and lower potassium levels. ACV is also responsible for tooth erosion in some cases.

ACV is naturally acidic. That’s why it is safe to use for a very long period. However, it is recommended to use it within two to three years of purchase because the taste and look can vary with time. You will always get to see an expiry date behind the container when you purchase. Once opened, apple cider vinegar doesn't need to be refrigerated. Instead, keep it out of direct sunlight in a pantry or cabinet. Try to store it in a glass or plastic container to preserve its finest appearance and flavour. When not in use, leave the lid on.

In a study, it was found that people who took roughly 2 tbsp (30 mL) of apple cider vinegar every day for 12 weeks shed a lot more weight and body fat than people who didn't take any. This study suggests that including 1 or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar for weight loss in your diet could affect you positively. Additionally, it might lower your blood sugar, diabetes, and cholesterol. But only depending upon apple cider vinegar for fat loss is not recommended. You should also follow a strict diet and regular exercise. You can include other weight loss friends like Green Tea and Makhana in your daily diet.

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