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10 Best Drinks for Weight Loss with Their Benefits

Struggling with body weights? Don’t worry here are some splendid solutions to cut down the body fats with the 10 best weight loss drinks in the morning!

And if you are thinking what is the point of emphasizing morning drinks leaving the whole day diet?  I would say “Morning shows the day”.  So, starting a day with detoxifying weight loss drinks will help you throughout the day to increase your metabolism, eliminate toxins, improve digestion and more on the list. As per the health experts’ advice, our body needs to be hydrated early in the morning after a night-long fasting. Water or other morning weight loss drinks flash out the stomach and balance our lymphatic system.  A stable lymphatic system helps our immune system to be strong and protect our body from various diseases.

Let’s go through the 10 amazing weight loss drinks ideas to make your morning healthy.


Water has an unmatchable effect of reducing body weight. It is 100 percent calorie-free, helps to burn more calories, and reduces appetite when consumed before a meal. Water rehydrates the body after 7-8 hours of fasting and without hydration, our body can’t metabolize the accumulated fat or carbohydrates.

Tip: Drink a glass of water after waking up.

Jeera Water

Jeera or cumin is a great detoxifying agent. It removes toxins from the body, helps in hydration, and reduces hunger strikes. Jeera naturally contains thymoquinone, a property that keeps the liver healthy. Plus it controls LDL cholesterol levels and blood glucose. Studies support cumin water as a beneficial weight loss drink.

Tip: Soak 1 tsp of cumin/jeera in one cup of water, and drink it in the morning preferably on an empty stomach.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular weight loss drinks. It contains caffeine and catechins, a natural metabolic booster and fat burner. Both these ingredients make green tea one of the best morning drinks for weight loss by increasing levels of hormones that tell fat cells to break down fats quickly.

Tip: Boil drinking water and pour into a cup, put a green tea bag for 2-3 mins.

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Haldi Tea

Turmeric tea With all the other health benefits, haldi/turmeric is also a potent antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Haldi tea is considered a perfect weight loss drink as it detoxifies the body, improves immunity, and gives loads of positivity for the rest of the day.

Tip: Boil the water; add ground haldi, ginger, cinnamon and honey.

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Psyllium husk water

Psyllium husk or isabgol is a great source of fiber and it keeps your tummy for a longer time. It turns into a laxative form after being soaked in water. It enhances metabolic activity, insulin levels and glucose tolerance, helping in a healthy loss process.

Tip: Soak 1 tbsp of psyllium husk overnight in water and drink in the morning. It promotes fullness, hence becoming a great fat-cutter drink to reduce body fats.

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Lemon Water

Luke warm water with a few drops of lemon is one of the best effective remedies to reduce belly fat. Hesperidin, a flavonoid present in lemons impacts lipid metabolism by lowering the level of VLDL, a bad type of cholesterol, and serum triglycerides.

Tip: Add lemon drops in water, that’s it! You can add a little honey to enhance the taste.

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Ginger tea

Ginger tea is a great weight loss drink because of its thermogenic properties, which promote metabolism and relieve stress. Also, it decreases appetite and proves helpful when you are trying to put off some weight.

Tip: Combine slices of ginger with water and boil them both. Add regular tea.

Apple cider vinegar drink

Another beverage that falls under the weight loss drinks category is apple cider vinegar. Apple contains acetic acid, an agent to increases metabolism and decreases insulin levels. It acts effectively against type-1 diabetes.

Tip: Just mix 1-2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in water.

Amla juice with water

Amla Juice is a magical fruit and of great use from the very ancient times. It is a natural detoxifier. It cleanses the body so well that it has immense benefits on the skin, hair, and digestive system. Amla stops the aging process too.

Tip: Drink amla juice before breakfast to get the best benefits for your weight loss process.


Coffee can be a great option in your weight loss drinks list. Though coffee contains more caffeine compared to black and green teas, it speeds up your weight loss process. Theobromine, theophylline, and chlorogenic acid are the three components present in coffee that help to boost metabolism. Plus it contains antioxidants.

Tip: Try to consume coffee without adding artificial sugar.

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