Kalp Pack of 3, Essential Oil ( Lavender,Tea Tree & Orange)


Seller : Kalpnatural

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Make your own bath scrubs : Use sugar , Oilive Oil , And Lavender oil to create a wonder ful scrub for rough skin.

Headache : Rub some lavender oil on temples and forhead , If you also have peppermint oil, tthe combination of lavender oil and peppermint oil in a carrier oil it work wonderful for headache.

Natural air deodorizer : Add lavender oil to vaporizer or a diffuser when you have allergies and colds.

Hair Care : tea tree oil helps in unclogging hair follicles and nourishes your roots. Take few drops of tea tree oil, mix it with any carrier oil and simply massage it onto your scalp. You will feel a great refreshing and tingling effect on your scalp.

Fights Dandruff And Lice : Take a few drops of tea tree oil and mix it with your daily shampoo that you use to wash your hair. Use this shampoo normally it helps you to get rid of dandruff.

Skin Care: add 2-5 drops of Kalp tea tree oil in a 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and apply this to skin it will help to it reduce inflammation, irritation, eczema and also good for Acne

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For improving mood : When you feel anxious or depressed, the anti-depressive and anxiolytic properties of orange essential oil can act as an instant pick-me-up.for better result add 2-3 drops of oil in a diffuser
To control acne : Add 2-3 drops of orange oil to a cup of water and wash the face with it before going to bed.it helps to control acne
To remove makeup : Mix 3 -4 drops of orange oil to a tablespoon of carrier oil and apply on the face with a cotton ball. Allow to remain for 5 minutes and wipe off. This is an excellent way to remove makeup in the evening.



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